
Redefining Liberty: Laura Davidson on Free Will and Society

Published on: 25th June, 2024

In this episode, I discuss the book 'The Logic of Freedom' with author Laura Davidson. Laura shares her background in earth sciences and social sciences, particularly focusing on economics, philosophy, and the Austrian school of thought.

The conversation covers various topics including the principles of libertarianism, free will, consciousness, and the differences between the noumenal and phenomenal realms as introduced by Immanuel Kant.

The interview also explores the psychological dynamics behind totalitarian regimes and crowd psychology, highlighting how fear and manipulation can lead to the erosion of individual freedoms.

Our discussion ends on a note of optimism, encouraging readers to pursue truth and goodness as pathways to a freer and more meaningful life.

Episode highlights:

03:10 Laura's Background and Motivation

04:37 Exploring the Non-Aggression Principle

07:18 Free Will vs. Determinism

10:25 Levels of Consciousness

17:51 The Noumenal and Phenomenal Realms

23:44 Kant's Influence on Modern Thought

24:40 The Concept of Freedom in Politics

26:06 Free Will and Human Instincts

27:46 Manipulation and the Dark Triad

30:33 Totalitarianism and Crowd Psychology

37:23 The Non-Aggression Principle

42:09 Spiritual Insights and Eternal Truths

44:26 Closing Remarks and Book Promotion

Resources mentioned:

The Logic of Freedom by Laura Davidson

About the guest:

Laura Davidson is an accomplished author, researcher, and multi-disciplinary thinker who has established herself as an influential figure in the fields of economics, philosophy, and libertarian ethics. Her work, which is characterized by a rigorous approach to complex issues, has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals.

Davidson is a recipient of the prestigious Lawrence Fertig prize in economics from the Ludwig von Mises Institute, which recognizes her outstanding contribution to the field of economics in the Austrian tradition. In addition to her writing, she is a frequent speaker at libertarian and economic research conferences, as well as other venues, where her presentations have been praised for their clarity and originality.

Davidson is a graduate of Oxford University, where she studied earth science and developed an understanding of the natural world and its complexities. Her intellectual curiosity subsequently led to an interest in the social sciences. Through her recent research and writing, she seeks to promote a more integrated and holistic understanding of the world we live in, one that takes account of both the natural and social dimensions of human experience.

While stressing that the social and natural sciences employ very different methodologies, she realizes that they can inform and enrich each other through a shared commitment to logical reasoning. Her work has received widespread recognition, and she continues to be a prominent voice in the ongoing conversation about the intersection of science, philosophy, and economics.

About The Logic of Freedom

What does it mean to be truly free? In this bold and ground-breaking exploration of human freedom, libertarian philosopher Laura Davidson challenges us to contemplate the true nature of liberty. In doing so, she leads us to question many things we may think we know about the human condition and the world around us.

Genuine freedom starts with an understanding we have freedom of the will. And yet many present-day scientists and philosophers argue that free will is merely an illusion. Their claim is that the activity of the brain is a purely physical process, analogous to the operation of a computer. But this implies we are mere automatons and cannot be held morally responsible for what we do. Moreover, if human thought and action is strictly deterministic, then this seriously challenges the notion of a genuinely free society by legitimizing the initiation of force and threat of force, particularly by those in positions of power.

This book strongly disagrees with determinism and tackles it head-on. Drawing from studies in consciousness and the philosophy of mind, Davidson presents a logical argument to demonstrate why the human will is inherently free. While acknowledging that our choices are clearly influenced by certain biological instincts, many of which we have inherited from our evolutionary past, she employs fresh insights to show why we alone are the final arbiters of how we act. Unlike animals, which possess a lower form of consciousness, our decisions are not made for us. Her innovative and original ideas are a breakthrough in the discourse on free will, bringing a new perspective to the age-old question of whether or not human beings have real agency.

However, while most people employ their will to cooperate with others, some individuals choose to dominate with force in order to attain power and, under certain conditions, are able to manipulate the masses in a way that leads to tyranny. A crucial aspect of Davidson’s argument is that political control of any kind, including all forms of force and coercion, is inconsistent with our humanity as free and rational beings and with life itself. She demonstrates why a genuinely free society is mankind’s natural destiny and argues that it can ultimately be achieved. Nevertheless, true political freedom of this kind will only occur when the libertarian principle of nonaggression is strictly observed in all areas of life.

She reaches startling and thought-provoking conclusions on the relationship between law, personal morality, and society, challenging some of the most basic foundations of modern polity, and ends with addressing perhaps the most important issue of all: the nature of absolute truth, and how an understanding of such truth leads to genuine freedom and happiness.

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Ba Vojdaan با وجدان
Conscious Living in a Zonked-Out World
Conscious Living...In a Zonked-Out World.

If you consider yourself to be reasonably sane, and often find yourself saying words to the effect of...

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با وجدان (transliterated to Ba Vojdaan) is a Persian word which translates to English as "Conscientious".

I don't know about you, but I'm alarmed by the lack of conviction and integrity in our culture. People are on "autopilot" morally and spiritually. Whatever the talking heads on the boob tube tell us to think, that's what we think.

Sure, this has always been a problem since the dawn of time, but it just seems more pronounced in recent years.

And no one notices.

And those who do notice...they seem to either not care, or have given up trying to make a difference.

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Guest reviews:
"I cannot overlook James’ great speaking voice. His tone is clear, articulate, and pleasant to the ear, making it easy for listeners to stay engaged and absorb the content of the interview. His vocal qualities undoubtedly contribute to the success of his podcast.”
-Laura Davidson – Author of The Logic of Freedom

"James, I've always seen that what you do comes out of a place of love. And that means you're doing right by the universe. It means you're doing right by God. It means you're doing what you were created to do in this world."
-Nathaniel Mayfield - Trumpet virtuoso and entrepreneur

“I really enjoyed being interviewed by James. He made me feel very comfortable, asked thought provoking questions and his demeanor reveals the passion he has for his work”
-Gary Greenfield (RIP) founder Greenfield Water Systems

“James navigated the conversation with ease. It was a delight to delve into the creative process and the hurdles of the performing arts.”
–Tamra Grace Jones, Boston-based Soprano

James is awesome to talk with. Super knowledgable and a real pro. He gave me the space and freedom to really express my thoughts!
-Vinnie Cieselski, Founder of Vinnie and the Hitmen

“It was lovely chatting with James about the concept of unschooling and self-directed learning. He asks the hard questions that people ask when they hear of “unschooling” for the very first time. It was great to have the chance to delve in deep and unpack this newest alternative form of education.”
-Judy Arnall (Child education and development advocate)

"James is a thoughtful and engaged interviewer, taking the conversation in thought-provoking directions and always making sure concepts are fully explained, so no listener will be left behind."
-Sage Dammers, founder and CEO Addictive Wellness

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James Newcomb